Can You Dye a Synthetic Wig? Expert Guide for a Vibrant Wig Transformation - Wigs By Frankie

Can You Dye a Synthetic Wig? Expert Guide for a Vibrant Wig Transformation


Time to read 14 min

Ever find yourself asking "can you dye a synthetic wig?" - You're not alone. We've all been there - falling out of love with the hue of our faux hair and longing for a fresh new look. But is it really possible to dye a synthetic wig?

In this article, we'll dive into the world of synthetic wigs, exploring their unique makeup, and unveiling the truth behind this common query. We'll guide you through the ins and outs of synthetic wig dyeing, using our years of expertise in hair care and beauty. So, stick around if you're ready for a vibrant change to your synthetic mane.

Understanding Synthetic Wigs

Moving forward with our discourse on synthetic wigs, let's delve deeper into what they truly are and what sets them apart from other wig types.

What Is Synthetic Hair?

Synthetic hair, as the name suggests, isn't composed of natural hair. It's derived from synthetic fibres, examples of which include acrylic and nylon. Manufactured to imitate real human hair, synthetic hair bears a striking resemblance to its natural counterpart. However, it's worth noting that factors such as texture and the ability to manage heat vary largely between synthetic and natural hair.

What Makes Synthetic Wigs Different?

When it comes to wigs, particularly synthetic ones, distinctive features exist that give them their uniqueness. Primarily, synthetic wigs maintain their style regardless of the weather, owing to the memory retention property of synthetic fibres. This "style memory" sets synthetic wigs apart from natural hair wigs, which require styling each time they're used. Furthermore, synthetic wigs offer durability, proving to be resistant to wear and tear whilst still being cost-effective, making them the go-to choice for users who want a long-lasting hair solution on a budget.

On the flip side, unlike natural hair wigs, synthetic wigs aren't suitable for heat stylings such as straightening and curling. Opting for a heat-friendly synthetic wig, if one prefers heat stylings, isn't out of the question. However, this may diminish the longevity of the wig.

Synthetic wigs provide a convenient and economical alternative to natural hair wigs. But their inability to withstand heat stylings sets them apart on a fundamental level, making the decision to choose between synthetic and natural a matter of personal preference.

Pros and Cons of Dyeing Synthetic Wigs

Experimenting with the colour of a synthetic wig can offer an exciting change of look. However, there are both advantages and disadvantages when it comes to dyeing these artificial hairpieces.

Pros of Dyeing Synthetic Hair

  • Transformation: Altering the colour of a synthetic wig provides a chance to express a new style. If the original wig colour doesn't suit personal preference, dyeing it offers a solution.

  • Cost-Effective: With the power of dye, it's possible to refresh an old, faded synthetic wig instead of buying a new one. It thereby saves money.

  • Versatility: With a variety of dyes available in the market, the colour options are nearly endless, contributing to fashion versatility.

  • Low Maintenance: Dyed synthetic hairs do not require frequent touch ups, making them easy to maintain.

Cons of Dyeing Synthetic Hair

  • Damage Risk: Dyeing synthetic wigs often involves chemicals that can potentially weaken the fibres, leading to deteriorated wig quality.

  • Limited Heat Styling: Post-dyeing, heat styling becomes trickier, as synthetic fibres can easily burn or melt.

  • Colour Accuracy: Getting the exact desired colour can be challenging due to the sometimes inconsistent results of the dye on synthetic hair.

  • Time Consuming: Depending on the type of dye and method used, the dyeing process can become a lengthy task.

Preparing for the Dyeing Process

So, is this your first time dyeing a synthetic wig? Well, don't worry - we've got you covered. Just follow these steps and you'll be well on your way.

Required Materials for Dyeing Synthetic Wigs

Acrylic ink, denatured alcohol, a spray bottle, and a large basin are elements essential to dyeing synthetic wigs. Additionally, don't forget gloves to protect your hands and newspapers to safeguard your workspace.

  • Acrylic Ink: Unlike regular hair dye, which can severely damage the synthetic fibres, acrylic ink effectively adds colour without causing harm.

  • Denatured Alcohol: This dilutes the acrylic ink, making it applicable as a spray for an even distribution of colour.

  • Spray Bottle: Come in handy for applying the dye evenly across the wig.

  • Large Basin: A large basin protects against spillage and can be used for rinsing the wig after dyeing.

  • Gloves and Old Newspapers: Use these materials to safeguard your hands and workspace respectively.

Preparing Your Wig and Workspace

Preparation is key when dyeing a synthetic wig. First, wash your wig in a basin filled with cold water and mild shampoo. Rinse the wig thoroughly and let it dry completely. This action removes build-up that might resist the dye.

Next, set up your workspace. This typically involves laying newspapers over the work area to protect surfaces from spills and stains. Also, ensure the workspace is well-ventilated, as the fumes from the dye could be overpowering. Finally, put on your protective gloves before beginning the dyeing process.

Coat the wig evenly with the diluted ink mixture, ensure every strand is well coated, leaving no strand untouched. Afterward, wash off the dye; it's easier said than done, hence patience is key here. Dry the wig completely before attempting to style.

Following these guidelines fosters confidence, ensuring that you encounter no surprises when dyeing your synthetic wig.

Step-by-Step Guide to Dye Synthetic Wigs

Having explored the pros, cons, and preparation process of dyeing synthetic wigs, we now dive into the heart of the matter — the step-by-step guide. Here, we detail the recommended dye selection process, application methods, precautions, and aftercare techniques to ensure a successful wig transformation.

The Dye Selection Process

While some might consider generic hair dye, we assert that the best choice for synthetic wig dyeing involves using acrylic ink. One key benefit of acrylic ink lies in its gentleness, thus escaping potential harm to synthetic fibres. Also, this type of dye, mixed with denatured alcohol, creates a solution that readily adheres to synthetic hair fibres, unlike regular hair dye that's more suited for natural hair structures.

Mixing and Applying the Dye

To initiate the dyeing process, mix your chosen acrylic ink with denatured alcohol in a spray bottle. Aim for a ratio of 1:1 for the best results. Once mixed, spray the solution generously and evenly onto the wig. Use a wide-tooth comb for spreading the dye across the wig, ensuring an even application. Be mindful of patience, as rushing the process often leads to uneven colours or visible streaks.

Cautions During the Dyeing Process

During the dyeing process, it's crucial to ensure the right conditions. Conduct the procedure in a well-ventilated area to prevent unsettling inhalation of the denatured alcohol fumes. Additionally, cover the workspace with old newspapers or towels to catch drips and splatters. Remember to wear gloves to protect your hands from staining and to prevent the alcohol from drying your skin.

After Dye Treatment Steps

After applying the dye, let the wig sit for about 48 hours to allow the colour to saturate fully. Once the wait is done, rinse the wig under cold water until the water runs clear. Dry the wig naturally at room temperature. Avoid using heat-based appliances like hair dryers, as they can distort the shape and texture of synthetic wigs. After drying, style the wig as usual and enjoy your refreshing new look.

Post-Dyeing Care for Synthetic Wigs

After successfully dyeing synthetic wigs, specific care steps are crucial. This section imparts advice on post-dyeing care to sustain the colour and integrity of your synthetic wig.

Washing Your Newly Dyed Wig

Be gentle when washing newly dyed synthetic wigs. Ideally, hold off on washing for a week post-dyeing. This time frame allows the dye to bond thoroughly with the wig fibres, resulting in extended vibrancy of the colour. For the initial wash, lightly rinse the wig using cold water and mild shampoo, ensuring every strand gets cleaned. Extra precaution is noteworthy; don't scrub or wring the wig. Remember, patting it dry with a towel is preferable over blow drying, as high heat damages synthetic fibres.

Maintenance Tips for Dyed Synthetic Wigs

Proactive attention prolongs the lifespan and maintains the attractiveness of synthetic wigs. Above all, store your wig on a wig stand when not in use. This little effort prevents tangling and helps retain its shape. 

Moreover, avoid exposing the wig to high temperatures, so keep it away from direct sunlight, ovens, and heat styling tools. As synthetic wigs have style memory, use smooth, wide-toothed combs for minor touch-ups.

Importantly, limit washing to once every 10-14 days, contingent on its usage. Over-washing depletes the colour. Favour a mild shampoo and conditioner specially designed for synthetic hair, noting some products can strip off the dye or damage the synthetic fibres.

Lastly, consider reviving dry ends with a silicone-based wig spray. This helps retain the wig's sheen and prevents frizzing. Post-dyeing care demands time but ensures a lively and long-lasting synthetic wig.

Alternative Methods to Dye Synthetic Wigs

After delving into the main dyeing method using acrylic ink, let's explore two other effective ways to add colour to synthetic wigs using common art supplies. The first makes use of Sharpie ink, yes, the ones from marker pens. Next, we break down the process of using acrylic paint. Both pose as viable alternatives to re-colour synthetic hair, and we'll guide you every step of the way.

Dyeing Synthetic Hair Using Sharpie Ink

Believe it or not, Sharpies can give synthetic wigs a vibrant new look. Here's how we go about it:

  1. Materials needed: Gather a pack of Sharpies (choose your desired colour), a large container, and gloves. (For example, to achieve a red hue, select a pack of red Sharpies).
  1. Removing the Ink: Extract the ink reservoir from the Sharpie pens. Slice open the plastic covering and place the inner ink-filled tube in the container.

  2. Submerging in Alcohol: Add denatured alcohol to the container, ensuring it submerges the ink tubes. This creates an ink-alcohol mixture suitable for dyeing synthetic hair.

  3. Applying the Dye: After letting it sit for an hour, spray the mixture evenly onto the wig using a spray bottle, combing through to ensure full coverage.

  4. Patience pays off: Allow dye to set for 48 hours, rinse, then air dry. This time-consuming process is necessary for consistent and vibrant results.

Despite ink volatility and limitations in colour shades, Sharpie ink proves a viable dye option, worth considering when wanting to experiment with synthetic wig colours.

Dyeing Synthetic Hair Using Acrylic Paint

Another creative yet unconventional approach involves using acrylic paint. Here, we outline five simple steps:

  1. Mixing the Paint: Blend acrylic paint with water in a spray bottle, ensuring it's thin enough to spray. Sky-blue paint, for example, gives a bold, adventurous look.
  1. Applying the Mixture: Mist the mixture onto your wig. Comb through the hair while wet to guarantee an even distribution.

  2. Letting it sit: Once the wig is coated in paint, allow it to dry. Leaving it overnight usually does the trick.

  3. Finishing Off: Rinse the wig thoroughly with cold water. Don't scrub, as it could tangle or damage the wig fibres.

  4. Drying and Styling: Allow the wig to air dry naturally and style as desired.

Acrylic paint offers an endless palette of colours and easy application but can leave synthetic fibres a bit stiffer than other methods, a fact worth considering.

Sharpie ink and acrylic paint are exciting alternatives in the quest to recolour synthetic wigs. Both methods are inexpensive, accessible and offer a broad spectrum of colour options. As always, do remember that patience is a virtue when undergoing such transformations. With appropriate care and maintenance, synthetic wigs can offer wearers an ample scope for experimental and refreshing looks.

Dyeing Synthetic Hair vs. Buying Coloured Wigs

Discovering the path towards a vibrant hair transformation often directs individuals towards one defining query: is it better to dye synthetic hair or buy a coloured wig? Understandably, this question pivots on various factors such as cost, effect on wig durability, precision of colour application, and overall hair aesthetics.

Cost Implications

Dyeing synthetic hair proves budget-friendly, particularly for those intending to revitalise an existing wig. The dyeing process involves using items such as acrylic ink and denatured alcohol or common art supplies, all of which are fairly inexpensive. Conversely, purchasing a coloured synthetic wig often involves a higher outlay. A single coloured wig's cost ranges depending on features such as style, length, and brand.

Effect on Wig Durability

Although dyeing can breathe new life into an old wig, it's necessary to approach this process with care. Dyeing synthetic hair requires a gentle touch to avoid damage. For instance, avoiding scrubbing during the rinsing process and embracing pat-drying over blow-drying can help prevent fibre wear. On the other hand, freshly purchased coloured wigs do not come with these distress concerns, as they are factory-treated and designed for lasting vibrancy.

Colour Precision

Whilst dyeing a synthetic wig gives a semblance of control over the specific shade, achieving the intended colour may present a challenge. Synthetic hair dyeing might require a mix of different inks, calling for a trial-and-error approach that could be time-consuming. In contrast, buying a coloured wig simplifies this process: Colour options are thoroughly evident, allowing for precise selection.

Hair Aesthetics

Refreshed through dyeing, synthetic wigs can attain surprising vibrancy and a novel look. However, the drawbacks include potential hair stiffness when using certain dye types, like acrylic paint. Comparatively, coloured wigs are more likely to guarantee a consistent texture and colour uniformity, factors contributing to an aesthetically pleasing appearance.

Navigating the choice between dyeing synthetic hair or buying a coloured wig isn't a unilateral decision. It's a journey rooted in personal preferences, one nuanced by time considerations, budgetary constraints, and an envisioning of the perfect synthetic hair transformation.


So, can you dye a synthetic wig? Yes, you certainly can. With the right materials like acrylic ink and a bit of patience, you can breathe new life into your synthetic wig. Despite the challenges, it's a cost-effective way to revitalise an old wig. However, the process does require careful handling to avoid damage. Alternatives like Sharpie ink or acrylic paint are also worth considering if you're feeling adventurous.

Remember, the choice between dyeing a synthetic wig and buying a new coloured one is a personal one. It's influenced by your budget, the precision of the colour you desire, and your willingness to experiment. Either way, with proper care and maintenance, your synthetic wig can offer you a world of vibrant and long-lasting transformations.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I change the colour of my synthetic wig?

Yes, you can change the colour of synthetic wigs, but the process differs from dyeing natural hair. You can't use standard hair dye because synthetics like nylon and acrylic don't absorb it. You may use fabric dyes, acrylic ink mixed with denatured alcohol or ink from art supplies such as Sharpies for dyeing.

What is the best method to dye a synthetic wig?

The recommended method for dyeing a synthetic wig involves using acrylic ink mixed with denatured alcohol. This method is gentle on the synthetic fibres, preventing potential damage. It is advised to first wash the wig, then apply the dye evenly using a wide-tooth comb, let it sit for 48 hours and rinse.

Can I use regular hair dye on my synthetic wig?

Regular hair dye should not be used on synthetic wigs as they're made from synthetic fibres like acrylic and nylon that do not absorb typical hair dye. Only specific dyes meant for synthetics, such as those made for fabrics, acrylic ink or Sharpie ink should be used.

Can I use Sharpie ink to dye my synthetic wig?

Yes, you can use Sharpie ink to dye synthetic wigs. By extracting the ink and mixing it with denatured alcohol, vibrant colours can be achieved. However, the more Sharpies you use, the more vibrant the colour will be.

Can I use Rit dye on my synthetic wig?

Rit dye can be used on synthetic wigs, but the dyeing process demands careful handling to avoid mistakes. As Rit dye is meant for fabric and not wigs, it is not the top recommended method for dyeing synthetic hair. Using Rit dye on wigs often requires the wig to be immersed in a pot which may not always be practical.

Are there alternative methods to dye synthetic wigs?

Yes, besides acrylic paint or ink, some alternative methods include using Sharpie ink or acrylic paint. While these can provide vibrant colours and are relatively inexpensive, they might leave the fibres feeling slightly stiffer.

Should I buy a coloured wig instead of dyeing a synthetic wig?

The choice between dyeing and buying a coloured wig really depends on your personal preferences, budget, and outcome desires. Dyeing can be a budget-friendly option to revitalise an existing wig. However, it may require trial and error to achieve the desired colour, whereas buying a coloured wig offers precision in colour choice and factory-treated durability.

Are synthetic wigs durable?

Synthetic wigs are known for their durability, largely due to their ability to withstand various weather conditions. They have what is known as "style memory", meaning they maintain their style regardless of the weather. However, they cannot be heat styled like natural hair wigs.

How should I care for a synthetic wig post-dyeing?

After dyeing a synthetic wig, let it sit for 48 hours before rinsing it with cold water and drying naturally at room temperature. Wait a week before washing it again. Always use a gentle rinse with cold water and mild shampoo, and avoid scrubbing or wringing the wig. It's recommended to pat it dry as opposed to blow drying.